Aminata Kouma, Tiounkani Thera, Brahima Donigolo, T Traore, Joseph Koné
Aims: This study aimed to determine frequency, socioeconomic profile of the patients and maternal and fetal outcome of uterine rupture.
Patients and Methods: It is about a forward-looking going study from January 1
st, 2007 till June 1
st, 2009 realized in the department of gynecology and obstetrics of the Segou's Nianankoro Fomba hospital. All the patients were included in our study having presented a uterine rupture during delivery or the immediate post-partum and the coverage of which was assured in the service. Data were analyzed on the EPI INFO 6.4 software with a threshold p = 0, 05.
Results: During the period of study we recorded 4594 deliveries among which 62 uterine rupture or 1, 3 %. Uterine rupture was considered as iatrogenic in 72, 6 % of cases. The treatment was conservative in 57, 4 % of cases and operating consequences were good in 91, 8 % of cases. We recorded 5 cases of maternal death and 87, 1 % of fetal death.
Conclusion: Uterine rupture is one of the main causes of maternal mortality. The premature and adequate care allows reducing considerably maternal and fetal mortality.